We are back from our Winter Break and enjoying being with our friends, teachers and classmates. Many of us are busy working on FAIR testing or some of us have completed our portion--for now. The 5th graders are working on DARE this semester and some students are revving to go with the STEM Bowl right around the corner. Tropicana Speech is also in the works for 4th grade. LOTS of things are indeed happening at Minneola!!!!

I am quite pleased to see how well you all have been adjusting with all the different activities going on around campus. hang in there and enjoy the ride--we are heading for the home stretch. Today we celebrated the life lessons and teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and we all got a day off from school to reflect on his dream for our nation. Please share something you admire or learned about him. You may comment to this post or write on your blog. 

Enjoy the rest of the week. This week you get early release on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and another day off (students only) on Friday--since it is the end of 2nd nine weeks--marking half of the school year is complete. 

I wish you an adventurous and  fantasterrific New Year and hardworking rest of the week!!!
~~ Mrs. Balkaran

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